Tingha Public School

Totally Proud and Strong

Telephone02 6723 3437


Principal's message

As the Principal of Tingha Public School I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you and your family for 2020.

Tingha Public School has a pupil enrolment of 37 students. The school has a dedicated staff of three full time teachers and three temporary teachers, an Aboriginal Education Officer (AEO) , a Learning and Support Teacher (LAST), a K-3 Instructional Leader, a number of additional support teachers, School Learning and Support Officers as well as clerical and cleaning staff who help to ensure the efficient running of the school.

At Tingha Public School we are fortunate to have  interested parents and community members who support the school in the classrooms. Our Aboriginal Advisory Committee provide additional support and learning activities to better the learning outcomes for our students. In our small community we are lucky that we have the ability to draw on the expertise of the community in a wide range of areas. Parents are always encouraged to participate in and share in the education of their children at every opportunity. We actively urge all parents and community members to participate in the development of school policies and plans to ensure we are addressing the needs of our students.

The grounds  surrounding the school are large and spacious. Our General Assistant works hard to ensure that this is a pleasant place for students to work and play. The COLA, hall and covered walkways greatly benefit our students.

Funding received through the School Budget Allocation (SBAR) enables the school to provide resources and facilities comparable or better than schools much larger than ours. All of our students are learning in an extremely supportive and caring learning environment. 

Our school motto, "Totally Proud and Strong", aims to engender in students a strong sense of pride,  self-worth and purpose. Being 'Totally Proud and Strong is valued, respected and encouraged both with in the school and local community.

Tingha Public is a community school and, as such, depends very heavily on the support of parents and community members. We therefore urge you to show your interest and willingness to lend support in the education of your children. Visit the school on a regular basis, get to know the staff, participate in your child's learning and if you have any concerns, please feel free to speak with your child's teacher or with any member of the staff.

On this website, we have endeavoured to give an outline of how Tingha Public School operates, what it offers your child, its procedures and organisational structure.

Mrs Melinda Partridge