Welcome to Term 4! Mrs McLachlan and Mrs Pearce are looking forward to a great end to the year. Abbey will continue to support us in our classroom. Mrs Strickland will continue to assist us on Tuesdays.
In English this term, students will enjoy listening and responding to a variety of new texts. They will create their own texts using features, techniques and language modelled by other authors. Students will be introduced to grammar and punctuation so they can use this in their own writing. They will participate in formal handwriting lessons, continue to develop their typing skills, and publish their writing on the laptops. There are new letter combinations for students to learn to improve their spelling. Students will have the daily opportunity to read, both aloud to a teacher and independently during our quiet reading time. They will also continue their progress through the Reading Eggs app on the iPads.
In maths, we will start with a focus on place value. Students will continue to develop their reasoning skills through inquiry-based questions and problem-solving. They will represent problems using concrete materials, drawings, and mathematical symbols. Students will learn to use flexible strategies to solve math problems. There will be opportunities this term to explore mass, length, area, volume, time, position, 2D space, 3D space, and chance. Students will continue their progress through the ‘Mathseeds’ app on the iPads. There will also be opportunities to practice the skills needed to achieve their personal learning goal.
In science and technology, students will continue to develop their computer skills on the laptops with a focus on saving a digital file and sending an email. During science lessons students will investigate the forces that make things move, such as push and pull (including gravity). They will engage in practical investigations, make observations, and communicate these results. This term will include the recording of observations using digital technology.
In geography this term, students will explore how distance and accessibility influence how often people visit places, and for what purpose. They will also investigate connections that people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, have to local and global places.
During personal development and health lessons students will understand how to be inclusive and respectful to others. Students will discuss ways to solve problems and identify ways to stay safe and healthy. They will continue to learn how to identify their own feelings and recognise the feelings of others.
In physical education, students will further develop their movement skills such as: running, bowling, catching, throwing, and striking a ball. They will participate in a variety of simple games to encourage the development of fair play. During weekly sport students will hone their skipping skills by participating in Jump Rope for Heart.
In creative arts students will experiment with a variety of media and techniques to create artworks relating to texts studied in English. We will continue using the ‘Amplify’ online platform in music. Through this program students will develop their awareness of pitch, rhythm, dynamics, as well as how to identify different instruments and different parts of a song. Students will develop their dramatic skills by role playing actions of characters in the texts studied in English.
Homework will be re-introduced in week 2. This will enable students to review work done in class.
We are very excited about the new term ahead!
Please contact the school if you have any queries or concerns.
Warm regards
Mrs Suzanne McLachlan and Mrs Coralie Pearce